by Nicole Dunn | Sep 15, 2020
Despite its humble beginnings, the #MeToo movement as we all know became an international calling card against sexual violence and harassment in the workplace. This was primarily due to what can only be described as a flood of complaints against Harvey Weinstein. The...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 15, 2020
First decision of the year! Thomas v Hanseatic Marine Engineer Pty Ltd t/as SilverYachts [2019] FWC 1 reminds employers that it isn’t about how much you pay your managers to take them outside the coverage of a modern award or unfair dismissal...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 15, 2020
Recently we have had a number of queries around managing current employees who are managing long term illnesses or injuries, or employees looking to return to work after having extended periods of leave due to illness or injury. We quickly remind...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 15, 2020
The kitten has nothing to do with this topic. It is cute though. It is essential that when making decisions that affect employees, employers take into account provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (“the Act”). Employers need to be aware that some...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 9, 2020
In 2014, the Australia Government responded to a report: Workplace Bullying “We just want it to stop”[1] by amending the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (“FW Act”) and establishing an anti-bullying jurisdiction under the auspices of the Fair Work Commission (“FWC”). This...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 9, 2020
Does annual leave accrue when employees are “locked out of the workplace” during a period of employer response action? You’ve no doubt seen our Annual Leave series ( Part 1 and Part 2), and now we bring you a more discreet issue concerning annual leave accruals. This...