by Nicole Dunn | Sep 29, 2020
Originally this article was going to be a cautionary tale for my clients about the strict, non-negotiable timelines and requirements set down in the legislation for enterprise bargaining and enterprise agreement (EA) approval by the Fair Work Commission as I know...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 29, 2020
I contemplated using the screenshot from Robin Thicke’s music video of “Blurred Lines” where he is standing next to a completely naked dancing woman. Then I thought that probably wasn’t my smartest idea and I like my job. So instead here are some employer-approved...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 24, 2020
Following on from my blog about the complaints of sexual harassment (read about it here), I’m often asked the question, I’ve got the complaint or grievance or allegations. What do I do now?!?! Managing these issues lends...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 23, 2020
We are again reminded that attention to detail is key when it comes to enterprise agreement drafting and interpretation. Enterprise agreements (EAs) set out the minimum employment conditions that apply to a business or a group of businesses. EAs cover a...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 23, 2020
89 of 122 modern awards were varied effective 1 November 2018 to include a requirement that an employer must pay an employee’s final pay no later than seven days after the day the employment ends. The new clause is set out below: Clause X Payment on termination of...
by Nicole Dunn | Sep 23, 2020
While we know the majority of organisations have fun end of year events that go off without a hitch, the case of Sione Vai v ALDI Stores (A Limited Partnership) [2018] FWC 4118 reminds us of what needs to be done before and when it goes...