What do the new Pay Secrecy Provisions in the Fair Work Act mean for employment contracts?
On 6 December 2022, the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs Better Pay) Act 2002 (Cth) passed through Federal Parliament resulting in a number of amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the FW Act). Amongst other changes, the amendments to the FW Act now...
Annual Wage Review 2023
On Friday, 2 June 2023, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) announced the outcome of the 2022-23 Annual Wage Review. Overall, the FWC increased modern award wages by 5.75% effective from the first full pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2023. This comes in addition...
The End of JobKeeper = Challenges for Employers – Part 1
Since March 2020 employers have faced mounting challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As JobKeeper 2.0 has now come to an end (28 March 2021) we thought it timely to address some questions that may arise for employers. The initial JobKeeper scheme certainly...
Should Employees be Rewarded Beyond their Wages?
Let’s face it a disgruntled workforce leads to an unpleasant workplace, which in turn is likely to result in lower productivity and disharmony. Employees who feel undervalued, will, no matter how loyal, eventually leave. So, how can employers celebrate employees’...
Termination clauses: Are they really needed in an employment contract?
I was recently asked if not having a “termination clause” in a written contract of employment matters when the contract identifies the relevant industrial instrument. Is the implied term of reasonable notice still good law? Kilminster The inclusion of a clause...
Perfecting the three R’s – Review, Restructure, Redundancy
Get it wrong and it may feel like a volcano exploding lava right in your face! What is a Genuine Redundancy? An employer may terminate an employee for reason of redundancy if the employer no longer requires the position to be performed by the employee or by anyone...
Is the Fear of A Bullying Complaint a Distraction to Performance Management?
Introduction Bullying is recognised as a work place hazard creating a risk to health and safety. As we have stated in the past, the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) defines bullying as occurring when an individual or group of individuals repeatedly behave...
Popping the personal bubble – conducting a search of employee belongings
Employers can generally manage their business in a way that the employer considers best; such that it ensures a safe working environment for employees. However sometimes the line between what the business of the employer is and what is personal/private to the employee...
EA Approval : it is still important to get the details right!
Originally this article was going to be a cautionary tale for my clients about the strict, non-negotiable timelines and requirements set down in the legislation for enterprise bargaining and enterprise agreement (EA) approval by the Fair Work Commission as I know...
The Blurred Lines of Social Media Use: Horror Employee or Opinionated Individual?
I contemplated using the screenshot from Robin Thicke’s music video of “Blurred Lines” where he is standing next to a completely naked dancing woman. Then I thought that probably wasn’t my smartest idea and I like my job. So instead here are some employer-approved...

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